Anxiety Therapy Social Anxiety Lexington KY


You know that feeling when your body freezes and you’re paralyzed with fear? Or when your mind goes into panic mode and your thoughts start racing a million miles a second? Life doesn’t have to be so frantic and paralyzing. You can slow down and find peace again.

Anxiety is a message from our body informing us we may be in danger

Our bodies are constantly taking in information and they learn to associate certain things with danger. They alert us with anxiety when we are heading into or have found ourselves in a dangerous situation. They do this (anxiety response) to protect us and keep us safe. If we really are in danger, our job is to heed our body’s advice and get ourselves out of the dangerous situation we’re in. If we’re not in danger, we need to find a way to communicate to our body that we are safe. This is the work we do in therapy.…